Hillside Inside 2009

Troy already wrote an in-depth report of the Hillside Inside Festival we went to this past Saturday so I’ll just write a short version, mostly because I’m lazy. So here goes, in the order of appearance: The D’Urbervilles. Never heard of them before, but they weren’t horrible and their stage act was entertaining. Great Lake…… Continue reading Hillside Inside 2009

Categorised as Life

When I started using the Internet

Plinky wanted me to recall when I first started using the Internet regularly. Well, it's got to be 1996. You've probably been online long before that, but keep in mind, it's Indonesia I'm talking about. I signed up for an Internet account after a field trip to an Internet provider for a class in University.…… Continue reading When I started using the Internet

Categorised as Life

My Breakfast

I’m currently obsessed with replicating the look of film photography on digital shots. I did a study of my breakfast this morning with that particular post-processing idea in mind. I think it looks pretty good, if I say so myself. This shall be an ongoing project, i.e., shooting my breakfast. If I were a breakfast…… Continue reading My Breakfast