A Fresh Start

I’ve decided to restart my weblog with a fresh Movable Type installation, a new design, a new site structure, and a new format. Whether the old entries will be imported into the new installation or not will depend on how much space I still have left when everything has been set up properly.

The redesign is obviously still very much in progress. I only put this up because if I didn’t, Troy would make me eat a quarter of a green pepper when he got home from work. Yes, he is mean that way. But you’re welcome to check back every now and then to see all the changes. It should be more interesting than watching the wall. πŸ™‚

Well, better go back to redesigning the site before Troy returns. Wish me luck!

Categorised as Life


  1. I know you probably won’t remember me, I rarely commented before, but I’ve been reading your blog for a long time. Because of your site, I got interested in using CSS in web design. I told a friend, who said I had to meet another friend of his, who he said was the “CSS God”. A year later I met him and we’re now engaged. So, indirectly, you helped me meet my fiance πŸ™‚ Thanks!
    I’m very very glad to see you’re coming back. I missed you.

  2. I love your website, and especially your photolog. You’ve done a great job. I hope to see more soon.

  3. Hi, my first comment here. Ever heard about WordPress? It saves a lot of space when you switch from MT. πŸ™‚

  4. WELCOME BACK, but where is the new book of styles, I’ve been patiently awaiting it for months!

  5. This reminds me that I’ve got a lot of bits and pieces of flotsam sitting in my webspace. Perhaps it’s nearly time for a bit of housekeeping. =)

  6. Love the new design, even if you’re not done playing with it yet! So glad to see you’re back, at least in some way! I missed you!

  7. I’m very happy to see you back on line. I missed you. I kept checking and would only find your “back soon” message. Imagine my surprise and delight when this page popped up. It looks good, too.

  8. Hi Firda,
    Finally you came back. I was awaiting to see the redesign, and my first impression was good. Your designs always touch me some way. Seems like you have some new sections, so IΒ΄ll be navigating some more time here.
    Thank you for your work,

  9. The redesign looks wonderful, even if it’s not finished. And I’m pleased to see that you added a photolog. The beluga is cute.
    I too know the feeling of being pressured to finish a web site. My guilty conscience is kicking me for not using the summer more productively to recreate my site, plus an online friend is hounding me. Oh well, I guess that’s what I get for having no content.

  10. Firda, thank god you’re back! The new design is, of course, beautiful. And I’m so jealous. By the way, how long are going to be in Canadia? Send me an e-mail or something.
    And Gary, don’t forget to check out b2evolution (www.b2evolution.net). I’m not entirely unbiased, but it’s a great alternative to MT and WordPress.

  11. Hi Firda,
    I myself am using an old Grey Matter setup. I was to use Moveable Type in my new upgrade, but with all the discussions about the licenses etc, it seemed that maybe Word Press was a better route to take.
    Do you have any opinion between the two, or does anyone else for that matter.

  12. Grats for your relaunch! :o)
    I don’t know how often I visited your site and saw the “will be back soon”-message. I’m looking forward to a lot of new, nice-and-interesting-to-read entries here :o)
    Good luck!

  13. I love the new design! And your photolog is very very cool!
    Great work, worth the wait!

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