An Update, Finally!

In case anyone’s still checking my weblog, I’ve been back in Canada since October 16. I just didn’t get around to updating this wee blog until today, mostly because I’ve been sick with a really bad case of cold even before I left Indonesia and I only started to feeling better yesterday. I still get a coughing fit every now and then but not as much as I used to. It’s probably just my lungs reacting to the cold air (autumn in Canada is verrry cold!) because — as the doctor told me some years ago — my lungs are kind of allergic to cold air. But of course I didn’t remember what the doctor said until earlier this week. Oopsie! Still, I can’t wait to see the snow in winter. I will worry about how cold it would be later when winter is actually here.

Anyway, the boy and I picked up a new digital camera for me yesterday at Best Buy in Kitchener. My new camera is an Olympus Camedia C-725 Ultra Zoom with 8x optical zoom. It’s rather bulky but I love it. I’ve always wanted a camera with a long zoom, mostly because I’m always too lazy to go near the object of my photographs. Heh. The camera only came with a lousy 16MB xD memory card but the boy, being the lovely person that he is, bought me an extra 128MB xD card for me to play with. Happy, happy, joy, joy! πŸ™‚ Look forward to a lot of lovely photographs of autumn in Canada from yours truly, as soon as I could figure out how to transfer the pictures to the computer. Trust me, it’s not that easy. But maybe I’m just dumb.
Oh, I saw my very first lunar eclipse last night! It was so very cool. I love how the moon became bloody red. I’m sure many cults of vampires were having a field day last night. Well, either that or I’ve just watched too much of CSI (remember that episode?). I tried to take some pictures of the eclipse with my new camera but it was so freezing cold in the parking lot that my limbs were all shaky and it reflected on my pictures of the moon. I think the boy managed to take some pretty decent pictures of it. Will have to see it when I’ve got the pictures transferred to the computer.
Well, I’m going back to my hiding place now where I have a bunch of Krispy Kreme donuts waiting to be devoured. Mmmm, donuts! Until next time!

Categorised as Life


  1. I always wanted to buy more larger capacity memory card (mine is xD card of olympus c-760UZ with 10x zoom karna aku lebih males lagi mendekati obyek hehehe). tapi xD mahal banget deh… ;(

  2. Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri. Enjoy yourself wherever you are. Try not to eat too many cookies :).

  3. Firda, I’m glad you’re having such a great time. I know the lung sickness is not nice but overall you really sound happy πŸ˜€

  4. Nyquil couldn’t even make me fall asleep! The night I took Nyquil, I was awake all night. But two Advils before bed solved my sleeping problem. Haven’t tried Neocitrin, though.

  5. i get my 512MB SD card for AUD$81 from ebay. warranty (the seller has a real comp shop, i checked). unless you always shot in 1MB resolution, 128MB will fill up rather quickly.
    eh firda.. flu bule ngga sama wif indo. use western medicine.

  6. Well, it’s impossible to shoot at night without a tripod. Apperture speed is very long (over a second), so as to grab as much light as possible (like the human eye does), so you are very likely to move. And even the smallest move is evident in the photo. I had to put my camera on a tripod, and even use a remote control (or timer), because pressing the shoot button was enough for the picture to become a mess.

  7. The term “flu bule” (Foreign Cold) really tickles me in a very funny way… err…!!! Anyway, you’ve set yourself with some nice decent gadget there, so it’s about time for you to shoot-up some wicked spot of the canadian autumn. Go get ’em tiger..!!! Firda rocks! πŸ™‚

  8. The only medicines you really need to get through canadian winter and flu season are Nyquil and Neocitrin. Neither actually cure the source of the illness, but they do make you so stoned that you don’t notice how cold it is outside and how much is sucks to be sick. πŸ™‚

  9. Glad to have you back in Canada.
    Don’t listen to all the naysayers. Canadian winters are awesome. πŸ™‚

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