This morning I woke up with a craving for Brain Curry (Gulai Otak). It’s one of my favourite Indonesian food and it’s so good, baby! You wouldn’t believe me until you try it. Of course you don’t eat it just like that. You eat it with warm, steamed rice. My mouth is watering just thinking about it. Too bad they don’t sell cow brain in supermarkets here. Otherwise, I’d buy and cook it, and gross Troy out in the process. Mmm, brain. That’s one thing that zombies seem to get right. Not that I’d eat human brain or eat uncooked brain or anything.
I guess I should post some links, eh? Well, my recent bookmarks are mostly photography-related. There’s a tutorial to make a 35mm pinhole camera with a matchbox and an empty film casing, an online tool that detects edges on images and replaces them with supplied lines of text called Textorizer and You Are Beautiful, a collaborative project that you can participate in by taking pictures with “You Are Beautiful” in it. How cute is that?
From the non-photography front, there’s an article that shows you how to remove IE 7 (in case it’s been causing you grief already) or to make it run side by side with IE 6 and From Buddy to Sufjan: The Music For Kids Who Can’t Read Good Covers Project, which is a project linking Buddy Holly to Sufjan Stevens through cover songs. Sufjan Stevens covering an REM song is simply an earcandy.
Finally, to help you kill your time and get through the day, you can either take the Logo Quiz in which I scored 137380 or play Archoon in which I scored, uh, 40. I don’t have to be good at every single game I post here, you know.
In case you’ve been wondering about what I’m going to do with Book of Styles, I’d say not much. I’m just going to make the old templates XHTML-compliant and maybe if I feel ambitious (which I rarely do), I’ll throw in a new set of templates. The launch date I have in mind is February 20, which happens to be Weblog Wannabe’s 6th birthday. (Geez Louise! The blog is old!) But, as always, don’t hold your breath.
I don’t think we eat much beef brain in Sweden. We like sheep testicles and blood pudding better, though the first is kind of rare these days. Gulai Otak’s a common dish in Indonesia?
Gulai Otak is a common dish in Indonesia. You can find it in every restaurant that serves West Sumatran dishes, and that kind of restaurants is aplenty.
Some Indonesians also eat cow penises (penii?). They’re usually served as meatballs and the common name for it is Bakso Torpedo or Torpedo Meatballs. I’ve never tried it, though. Don’t think I want to.
Okay, the mere thought of eating brain, any brain… No thanks. It’s just one of those things that might actually taste great, I just can’t get past the “it’s brain!” thought.
Hi Firda,
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Thanks a lot.
– Thea
Torpedo Meatballs!
Bloody great name! I’ll remember to try that if I ever dare go to Indonesia from now. Little did I know that meat could be so scary. Mmm, meat.. :}
This sounds absolutely delicious, Firda. Could you not just ask a local farmer to help you out? I think I might give it a go!
Ha! It’s not really that obscene, so maybe you should stick to “The Good Stuff?” ๐
In fact, you probably spare a few harmless little cows if you eat all of some, in contrast to all of ’em.
Still, funny attitude you got there – shhexycorin – should I say that with my shhexy Sean Connery accent, or perhaps a Charles Manson one would be more suitable to the context.
Thanks for the laugh, anyway. It warmed. :}
Sean Connery will do for the voice… there may be a bit of Charles Manson inside me, as well as cow brain!
‘kay. ๐
Good site. Me very much has liked.