I had been tinkering with my RSS feeds for, like, ever but I just couldn’t be satisfied with the results. I’ve finally found something that does exactly what I need: FeedBurner. It’s a one-feed-for-all type thing. No more headaches about feed formats and newsreader compatibility. In addition, FeedBurner enables me to keep track of the number of people who read my weblog through newsreaders. I’ve always wondered about it. It can’t be that many, but still I’m curious. I’m hoping to find out about it soon. I’m so excited!
Anyway, this is my FeedBurner feed. If you’re already subscribed to my old feed (any format), you should get redirected to it automagically. If that doesn’t happen, I would really appreciate it if you’d update the URL accordingly manually. Thanks, and let me know if you encounter any problem with my feed.