Curling As A Sport

The boy thinks that my weblog readers like me better when I’m blogging from Indonesia because now that I’m blogging from Canada, I get considerably less comments to my weblog posts. I wonder if it’s true. Hrm.

Speaking of the boy, I’m going to watch him curl tonight. No, not curl as in curling his hair (he doesn’t look good with curly hair). Curl, as in sports. Probably the dorkiest sport game I’ve ever known. Even the boy doesn’t think I would find it very exciting. He suggests that I bring a book and a lot of snacks with me in case I get bored. I’m going to take a lot of pictures of the boy in action for sure, especially when he’s doing the highly amusing mop-the-floor brush-the-ice thing. Fun stuff.

And now I’m going to play some virtual curling to get in the mood for the game tonight. Trust me, the real thing is much dorkier than that.

Categorised as Life


  1. Oh, I forgot to say, it’s cool in a personal way to me that you are there in Canada, because you are living in my home town! So I like to read it when you have nice things to say about KW. Because now I live far away in another country.

  2. Curling is interesting of course. Hope your “honey” does a great job this day, yesterday? Anyway – this spot appeals to me because my daughter-in-law is from Indonesia and my favorite place to be in the summer is Canada.

  3. Still, I use my real name and real email address in my weblog. I expect my commenters to do the same. It’s not like I’m going to spam you or anything.

  4. Curling is so much fun! I really enjoyed my time whenever I curled!
    Also, watching it is actually a lot of fun, it a real game of skill!
    Plus, with amabasadors like Vic Gervais, you CANNOT go wrong.

  5. lol. i sorta know someone who curls! THATS AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!
    and you know i have always been a slack bitch with the commenting……i suck!

  6. I think curling rocks! Couldn’t resist 🙂
    Welcome to Canada, btw, Firda! You make a wonderful addition to our country. Enjoy!

  7. Hey now. I curled in high school.
    And man, was I ever cool.
    Okay, not so much, but it’s fun in a “why the heck am I running around with a broom?” sort of way.
    I like watching the world curling championships.
    Ok. Nothing has changed, I’m still a dork.

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