Dan Mangan

We’ve been listening to a lot of Dan Mangan lately. His latest album “Nice, Nice, Very Nice” was released last year but we didn’t find out how good it is until recently.

My first introduction to Dan Mangan was through a song called “Robots” which we practically listened to all summer. Troy and I like to sing along to it. There should be more songs written about robots.

There isn’t a song in this particular album that I don’t like, though I do like some songs more than others. Other than the two songs above, I really like “Tina’s Glorious Comeback”, “Basket”, “Et Les Mots Croisés”, “Some People” and “Set The Sails”.

Dan Mangan seems to limit his tour to Western Canada but I hope he’ll make his way to Southwestern Ontario soon because I would really love to see him perform live.

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