
Our poor little car Syd (short for Six Years in Debt) got rear-ended earlier this week and since it had had so much mileage in it (Troy travels a lot for work and we like to take long drives), the insurance company decided to consider it a loss rather than paying to have it fixed.

Saying goodbye to Syd was kind of sad. It might not be the greatest car in the world but it was a good little car. It never caused us any major problems. Just minor things here and there and that’s all. It took us all the way out East on our honeymoon and back without a hitch. It also took us on countless road trips, long and short, fun and not so. I didn’t know that the day Syd took us home safely from Guelph in the middle of a blizzard two Saturdays ago would be my last ride with it.

We bagged up stuff from Syd one cold Thursday afternoon and it somehow reminded me of the time I packed up my mother’s things at the hospital after she passed away. Syd wouldn’t even start when Troy tried to move it a little. It was so much like visiting a dying family member. It was sad. I didn’t cry or anything, but it was still sad. Syd went to car heaven the next day. Goodbye, Syd! You were a good car.

I heard from from one of my brothers in Indonesia this morning that our old, faithful, household helper passed away yesterday. She served our household for many, many years. Even though she was never a live-in helper like most Indonesian household helpers, she was loyal to my mother to a fault. After my mother died, she refused to serve our household anymore. Her loyalty belonged to my mother, not the family.

I always thought I would bump into her somehow when I go back to Indonesia for a visit someday, but I guess it’s not meant to be. I’ll always fondly remember her as the maker of the best Sambal Tempe Bakar I’ve ever had.

Goodbye, Yu Ranti! So long and thanks for everything you had ever done for us, and especially for my mum near the end of her life.

I hate goodbyes.

Categorised as Life

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