Grow, Avocado, Grow!

I’m so in love with my avocado tree, which is not quite a tree yet since it’s only about 8 cm tall, but it’s thriving to be a tree. It’s growing about half a centimeter a day. If you’ve ever grown an avocado tree from a seed before, you’ll know how fascinating this stage is. It’s the first thing I check when I wake up in the morning. It’s like having a baby but without all the extra expenses or the lack of sleep.

I started the seed some time in late April in a shot glass full of water. The growth was quite slow, but after a couple of failed attempts, a slow growth is better than no growth at all. After 3 or 4 months, the roots started growing like crazy. Weirdly enough, a bunch of stems came out of the seed instead of just one. None grew past 1 cm. And then some time last month, one stem popped out and it was looking exceptionally strong and healthy. I thought to myself, this is it! This is the one that wants to be a tree! I decided that it was time to transfer the seed from the shot glass to a terracotta pot to encourage the growth of the wee little stem.

I was worried that the move would kill the plant, what with my black thumb reputation and all, but it was something that I had to do. I filled the terracotta pot with some cactus soil mix and transferred the seed. The next day, I checked to see if the avocado plant is still alive and growing, and it was! Yay! At that time I just knew that everything’s going to be all right; that I will at last have a lovely avocado tree.


Happy growing!

Categorised as Life


  1. Halo Firda,
    Your explaination about avocado tree, remember me to my child.
    I must give very much attention to my girl, give a good food, give the best education, & ect.
    Wonderfull inspiration from you Frida. Thanks alot, Good blessing You.
    Sorry if my gramar is not good.

  2. Rebecca: This is Firda’s fourth or fifth attempt at starting the avocado tree. The first couple didn’t take – so don’t be disappointed if the first time doesn’t work.

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