It’s 2008!


And I’ve got some hits from the 2008 Bloggies Awards already. Apparently the wee blog has been placed in the Hall of Fame for winning the Best Asian Weblog category three times and is not eligible for nominations in that category anymore. Not that I’ve been anywhere near Asia in the last three years so I wouldn’t be eligible anyway. Of course, you can still nominate the blog in the Best Canadian Weblog. Or the Best Photography of a Weblog. Or maybe the Lifetime Achievement category if you reaaaally want. 😉 And what’s in it for you, you ask? Well, I might post here more often since Bloggies nominations = more traffic = more readers = more comments = Firda posting more blog entries because she’s an attention whore. But “might” is the keyword here, so no promises there. Yeah, I know. I suck. 🙂

The truth is, I used to post often back then because my beloved readers would wonder about my well-being if I didn’t post anything for days and I would feel guilty for it. Now that they know that Troy is taking excellent care of me, if I didn’t post for ages, no one would question my absence so I don’t feel guilty for not posting. Hence the infrequent posting. So there you have it. My grand excuse for being a slogger (slacking blogger).

Anyway, since it’s the new year, here’s a list of good eye and ear candies from 2007 in threes according to yours truly because I desperately need an excuse to make a list (not really though). So, without further ado:

Feel free to post your version in the comment form. I’m not just pimping for comments. I really do want to know! Honest!

Categorised as Life


  1. I don’t know if Troy ever saw Jill Barber in Kingston – but she used to work at the Sleepless Goat with Nasser and play at Kingston pubs. She’s lovely – and a damn fine cook, I recall! Nas was dead chuffed when we found out that her musical career had really taken off.

  2. Cool! Only one degree of separation from Jill Barber! Her older album, Oh Heart, is one of my favourite albums of all time. I could listen to it for hours!

  3. Hi! Nice to meet you! With all these awards you’ve been getting, I plan on visiting your site more often! Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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