Today (February 3) is the last day for you to vote for your favourite weblogs in the Fifth Annual Weblog Awards a.k.a. The Bloggies™. Voting will close tonight at 10:00 PM EST. I would say vote for me, but I know that in your hearts of heart you already want to. ๐
Sadly, there’s still no prizes for the winner of the Best Asian Weblog, whoever it will be. And I didn’t see the note about the Webby Awards offering Bloggie™ finalists free entry into the Webbys’ Blog category until today when the registration has been closed for 6 days. Bummer. Not that I have any chance to win, but still, it worth 195 USD! Sigh. Oh well…
apa kabar dek? kirim2 email dong
hi! I just found your site. Just wanted to say hi…I love the flower in your upper left corner. Looking forward to peeking around your blog!