This is a very late weekly post, but better late than never! I count Monday as first day of the week so, in theory, I didn’t miss a post. At least that’s what I like to believe.
Our trip to Iceland is now only less than two weeks away! Of course I had to come down with indigestion which has been going on for a week now. Bummer! That combined with PMS/perimenopause makes for a very unhappy Firda. But that hasn’t stopped me from going on our daily walk to prepare ourselves for the hikes we’re planning to take in Iceland. If anything, the walks keep my spirit up and keep me excited about the trip.
I really hope that I’ll get over this soon because I would hate to still be suffering from this crap during our trip, especially since I would like to be able to enjoy Icelandic cuisine thoroughly. Right now, I’m practically doing a gluten- and dairy-free diet to keep my stomach happy, which isn’t fun at all if you know how much I love cakes, cookies, and ice cream. On the plus side, it is a sure-fire way to shed some pounds. Every thing has a silver lining and all that.
I really should decide on which cameras to bring soon. I’ve got my camera backpack cleared and ready for loading for a while now but so far it’s still pretty much empty. Though procrastination is a major contributor to this. What can I say. Procrastinating is what I do best.
Anyway, about the photos on top of this post, I took them on the World Pinhole Photography Day this past Sunday with my trusty Panasonic Lumix GF1 and a Pinwide pinhole while taking a long walk around Port Dover, Ontario. It was a lovely, overcast day. We took a walk on the beach and around the town before having a perch dinner at one of the local restaurants. Luckily, the rain didn’t start falling until we decided to leave. You can find the larger version of the photos I took that day in this Flickr photoset.
Well, it’s past bedtime for me. Until next post, hopefully in less than a week from now!