I know it hasn’t been a month since my last blog post and no one has told me to update yet BUT I just found my dream backyard (!!!) and it looks like this. WANT! Of course, there’d be compromises to be made. I’m sure Troy would want to keep the grass in the backyard because he loves mowing the lawn so much (ha!) so maybe we can have half of the backyard (the left-hand side, please) look like my dream backyard and the other half look like everyone else’s backyard. Maybe?
I know it’s going to take a lot of work, time and money but just like the house, the backyard could always be a work in progress. I’m thinking of waiting until this Fall to start working on it, just because gardening in the Fall sounds less boring than gardening in the Summer. I also read than Fall is a good time for planting shrubs and trees. I love shrubs and trees. I already know what trees I want but I haven’t decided on the shrubbery yet. For trees, I would like: a callery pear, a redbud, a Japanese maple, and a blue spruce. We probably only have enough space for two trees at most but eh, it’s always nice to dream.
Anyway, I’m hungry. Supper is Quiche Lorraine and it is cooking in the oven. I just hope that it’s not going to end up being an epic failure like yesterday’s Linguine Chicken Alfredo. (Update: The Quiche Lorraine dinner was awesome!)
I never care for outdoor, but that garden of your dream is really looking fine and (looks like) it’s low maintenance.
lol checked out the link. its cute, but not m dream backyard. my dream one would resemble something out of a romance novel or movie lol
& u have a lovely site.
ah, mbak masak harus diingatkan kalo harus up date blog? saya sih suka ngintip2 ke sini. berhubung ga ada yg baru, ya ga banyak yg bisa dinikmatin.
I have to admit that I haven’t been here for a long time. I think I will just subscribe to your feed then 🙂
anyway, I have to google for Quiche Lorraine. looks delicious!