We woke up to a very foggy morning. I think it was because the sun was out yesterday. The sun is out today, too. We might wake up to another foggy morning tomorrow. I wanted to take pictures of all the fogs but foggy morning in the suburb doesn’t really look all that dramatic so I put down the camera and laid myself flat on my back in bed with no pillows under my head. I felt the most comfortable feeling I’d felt in weeks.
My stomach had just started feeling better when my period began. Now it’s feeling like crap again. Ugh! Periods suck. The only edible thing that can soothe my stomach seems to be the watermelon. Too bad watermelons are so expensive at this time of year. And I only have a few slices left.
We need to do grocery shopping. It’s not even a week yet since the last time we did grocery shopping. But the last time, we picked up mostly vegetables. Vegetables, they’re gone really quickly. All you have to do is cook once. Oh bad food, how I miss thee! But my stomach doesn’t like you anymore.
I was running out of rice yesterday, but I still had plenty of glutinous rice. I cooked the glutinous rice because I wanted to make some fried rice for lunch. But once fried, the final product looked like a big, herbal-y, lumpy goop. Didn’t look all that appetizing. I ate some anyway because I was hungry but I threw the rest away. It didn’t taste all that great either.
I’ve been listening to Cat Power all morning. Her voice soothes me. Troy thinks she’s creepy. I don’t know why.
Once I wanted to be the greatest
Two fists of solid rock
With brains that could explain
Any feeling
Cat Power, The Greatest
I should shower and go for a walk. Maybe it will make me feel better and less complainy.
That might just be me. Troy and I did a quick grocery shopping there some time after 8:30pm. You should’ve said hi. 馃檪
Hehe. Someone had done it before. It was kind of awkward for both parties, but kind of cool, too!
Terribly sorry to sound creepy.
Was that you I saw this evening at the Northfield Sobeys?
I was tempted to, but I’m not sure who would have gotten more creeped out.
“Hi, I know you from the internets.”?