Guess what we ended up NOT doing this weekend? Everything mentioned in the previous post, except for visiting Troy’s grandma. That one we did. And oh what a journey it was. Mother Nature suddenly decided that it was the perfect time for a snowsquall so while we were driving down to the nursing home, snow started falling like crazy and soon, voila! It was instant winter wonderland. We got to the nursing home late as everyone had to drive slow on the highways due to the crappy weather but grandma seemed happy to see us so, yeah, mission accomplished.
When we got back home this afternoon, Troy had to shovel the snow from the sidewalk in front of our house and our driveway. Mind you, we happen to live in an area that gets a lot of snow in the winter. It’s not officially winter yet but if you look outside our window, it definitely looks like winter. Tonnes of snow out there. Somebody will have to shovel the snow tomorrow morning.
Living in a snowdumped area, it’s likely that we’re going to be stuck inside a lot this winter. I’ve come up with some photography projects to do to kill the time and to keep me sane. Doing some still life TTV shots is one. I’ve ordered a cheap-ass macro filter set from eBay just for this purpose. I also have a bunch of found negatives and slides to scan. Peeking at the lives of some strangers from the bygone eras through the images is rather fascinating. I’m also trying to come up with a project to do with my last pack of Polaroid 600 film. As you may know, Polaroid has stopped the production of instant films, which is a shame. I’m sure I’ll come up with something when I’m bored enough and when I do, I’ll let you know.
And now, it’s time for me to sleep. We’re supposed to be getting 15-25 cm. of snow overnight. Oh joy!
I don’t like winter so much, especially when it comes to snow shoveling or scratching ice off your windshield after a long day at work!
But I don’t work now… and no longer live in Germany! I guess winter in Miami won’t be so bad! ๐
When people tell me how thick the snow is, I had no idea what they’re talking about. I haven’t experienced snow in my entire life. I imagine snow to be the white things my father scrapes out of the fridge when he grabs frozen meat. But, yes, it must be bliss. Snow is bliss.
Snow is nice – driving during a snow storm is the complete opposite of bliss! Trust me. I’ve been through 32 winters with complete success.
Snow is bliss only when all you have to do with it is the fun stuff like making a snowman or playing snow ball fight. But snow does make the wide open space look pretty, which is good for photography.
@Troy: Hmmm, driving in snow sounds fun. ๐
@Firda: I saw your photos of snow-covered landscapes. Breathtaking.