This is not a post about rabbit. It is said that if the first words you utter on the first day of the month are “rabbit rabbit”, you’ll have good luck all month long.
As I said before, this is not a post about rabbit. I just wanted to share some silly trivias from our wedding:
— I wanted a bagpiper in our wedding, but Troy vetoed the idea;
— We shopped for wedding rings online because jewelry store people scare us;
— I originally bought the skirt I wore at the wedding to wear to the wedding of a friend of Troy’s from university summer last year so it was more or less ‘something old’;
— I wore nothing blue;
— I wanted to wear Troy’s underpants just for the sake of having ‘something borrowed’ but Troy said no;
— My white blouse was something new;
— Troy wore a batik shirt I bought him the last time I was in Indonesia;
— Our reading was from “Oh the Places You’ll Go” by Dr. Seuss;
— We walked down the proverbial aisle to “La Redecouverte” from Amelié OST;
— We stumbled on our vows;
— Troy vowed to take me out for Vietnamese food every week or so and to support my internet addiction;
— I vowed to endure his videogaming habit and morally support his addiction to garage sales, book sales, and thrift stores;
— As a favour, our guests received Polaroid pictures of us and them together, taken with a Polaroid Land 660 camera we got from a garage sale for $3;
— I had red spots all over my arms, legs and face from where the black flies bit me the weekend before the wedding, but concealer did wonders;
— Going bridal shopping alone was depressing;
— My family didn’t know about the wedding until today, thanks to their nearly dysfunctional phone;
— They were calling for a thunderstorm on our wedding day, but thankfully, it didn’t happen;
— Our wedding officiant pronounced my name incorrectly all through the ceremony;
— I designed the wedding program in MS-Word;
— I accidentally smeared lipstick all over the shoulder of my father-in-law’s coat when he was giving me a hug before the wedding;
— Troy picked up the bouquet and my flowery head piece from the flower shop himself, only 45 minutes before the wedding;
— We had two webloggers among our guests, one of whom has posted a glowing review (ha!) of our wedding;
— We saw Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith on our wedding night with a couple of friends, and I kept falling asleep during the first hour;
— Before the movie, we had to stand in a long line outside the cinema in a drizzling rain for at least 20 minutes and I couldn’t help but wonder if it was worth it;
— We’re planning on going to Prince Edward Island and maybe Nova Scotia for our honeymoon sometime in the summer.
I’ll add more to the list if I can think of anything else to add.
I don’t quite remember where it was I came across your blog but I found it in my bookmarks folder this evening and when I saw the La Redecouverte line I knew I had to comment.
Love, love that song as well as the whole album. This is the type of wedding I like, home made, thoughtful, utterly meaningful to the both of you.
Congrats to the both of you.
Wonderous – congratulations! You’ve done a good thing in a very good way π
Congrats Firda! All the very best for both of ‘ya…I’ve been ‘stalking’ your blog from downunder for quite sometimes now… :>
Ciao firda… congrats to you and the lucky guy. BTW, your email was bouncing back — full inbox. Could you email me, please at your earliest convenience?? Thanks!
I don’t know. It was probably worth it since the movie makes me want to see more Star Wars. Empire Strikes Back and Revenge of the Sith are about the only Star Wars movies I’ve seen.
As a scotsman I’ve gone right off Troy.. vetoing the bagpipes indeed!!
Ohh and I’d completely forgotten about rabbit, rabbit!! Does Heather still do it… heads over to check.. nope… π
wow! congrats ya’ both!
Congrats Firda, you don’t know me but I’ve been a long time reader π
hey, congratulations! van harte gefeliciteerd as the dutch would say!
I didn’t think you were serious about wearing my boxers. I would have let you if you were serious. And I’m sure Monica would have done the bridal shopping with you if you asked.
As for the bagpiper. Sorry π