The 2005 Bloggies™ Finalists

Apparently, you guys have done a marvellous job pimping up my weblog that it’s once again become one of the Bloggies™ finalists. Thank you! I’m flattered, as always. Unfortunately, the Bloggies™ site is currently down (the dreaded “Bandwidth Limit Exceeded”) and I wouldn’t have known in which category my weblog has become a finalist hadn’t Cowboy Caleb blogged about it. Yup, the category is the Best Asian Weblog once again. So vote for me if you like my weblog. That is, when the Bloggies™ site is back up again.

Oh, by the way, I received two “You’re a Bloggie finalist!” emails from Nikolai, the Bloggies™ founder and sole organiser. Does that mean my weblog is a finalist in two categories? If so, what’s the other category? Anyone know? Nikolai?

Categorised as Life


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