— I received my visa extension yesterday. I’m good to stay here for another year. Yippee!
— I stayed up until 4:30 in the morning on Sunday and until 5:30 on Monday. I slept until 11:30 on Monday and until 10:00 today. Guess what? I’m sleepy still.
— We’re going to see Broken Social Scene, Bloc Party and Feist in June on Olympic Island with a couple of friends. I’m more excited about the photo ops than the concert. Too bad about the no-SLR, only point-and-shoot, under 5MP digital cameras only rule. Not that we have an over 5MP digital camera. I’m just saying.
— Troy and I went to an auction this past Friday. After checking out the auctioned goods, we decided to bid for a twin lens reflex camera. We had to wait for about 3 hours before they put the camera up for bids. Good thing we won. We also won an old, press camera like you can see in old movies for, like, one-tenth of the listed price on eBay.
— People we know keep asking us how many cameras we have. I know I shouldn’t be, but I’m always kind of embarrassed to admit that we have about 100-something cameras in our collection. It makes us sound like weirdos, which we probably are, but still…
— I keep having Pixies’ “Debaser” song stuck in my head. Argh! Don’t know about you, but I am un chien andalusia…
— Next month is our first anniversary. It feels like only yesterday that we got hitched. Time flies.
— I have four websites to design. FOUR! And I haven’t started with any. I should probably start with one that isn’t mine.
— That means I should probably stay up until morning again soon since I seem to be able to come up with a design only when it’s day-time in Indonesia. Stupid brain.
— Telling Troy some Indonesian celebrity gossips before bed has been proven to help me sleep well.
— It’s currently 22°C here in Waterloo! Holy cow! Perfect weather for playing mini golf!
— I feel like taking pictures.
— I can’t think of anything to take pictures of.
– Congrats on getting your visa extended. I’ve been worried about you having to go back and possibly offline!
– The concert sounds great. Feist is wonderful.
– What kind of TLR did you get? You ought to put up a web site with pictures of all your many cameras. Do you name them?
– Your photos keep getting better and better. Do you think you’ve found your calling?
– Oh, and in case you didn’t catch on, I thought it appropriate to post a bulleted comment for your bulleted entry. 🙂
I love, love, love your Firdamatic, and did a great template for my cousins blog on Blogger. But, Blogger won’t allow me to disable the NavBar. Please, I beg for your help. Her blog SO needs help. This is it:
Jordan. Here is one of Firda’s Flickr sets showing a couple of cameras in the collection. The last one in the photo set is the “press style” camera we got at the auction. I don’t believe she has a picture of the Seagull 4A TRL we bought.
Hey Frida.. I also one of the.. well not lazy, but uninspired people, who have used Firdamatic.. And I think it´s just swell 🙂
BuT, how come – that my entire site is more to the left, that .. well instead of being ni the middle like normal ? I have a lot of blank space on the right side..
could U tell me why ? 😉
((And by the way, the NavBar cant´t be removed like the directions says – when using Firdamatic… but one have to inset a code in the template in order to get the rid of the Navbar? ))
Arr this was a lot of writing..
+22 C! Wow. We’re still at +10 C, and I miss summer!