I‘m an island girl. I was born and raised on an island. I like to think that is the reason why I’m the happiest when I’m by the sea but that wouldn’t be true. Back when I was living on the island of Java in Indonesia, I’d be lucky if I got to be at the seaside once a year. At least in my adult life. And I wasn’t happy. Maybe I just didn’t see the sea enough.
My parents did take us to the beach and the seaside open-air fish market fairly often when we were kids. Man, that fish market was stinky! But we got to see a lot of interesting sea creatures albeit in a less than alive state. You know, creatures like big tuna. Big tuna does look pretty impressive for little kids (parents, take notes!). Maybe it has something to do with the good memories I have from such outings? I don’t know. There is something about the sea that makes me feel so free and happy.
Let me show you a few of my most favourite pictures ever from some of the happiest moments of my life.
The picture above was taken on the ferry between Saint John, New Brunswick and Digby, Nova Scotia on our honeymoon in 2005. We were crossing the Bay of Fundy. The weather wasn’t the greatest. It was drizzly and a little cold, but I was as happy as I could be. And look how young we look! So young and so in love. Awww… And I was at the sea!
We were in the Northern Peninsula of the island of Newfoundland in 2011. I wanted to go up a hill in Ship Cove, not too far from the cottage where we were staying, so my husband drove us there. The weather was miserable and cold (see the pattern there?) but when we got there, a yappy and wet little dog came up to me, so I gave him a little pet, then he farted and ran up to the edge of a cliff to pee. To quote Aunt Mathilde from the movie A Very Long Engagement: “Doggie fart, gladdens my heart.” 😉 And yes, I was right by the ocean, in case you haven’t guessed.
This was taken on the day of our 8th anniversary. It was a glorious morning. The sun was shining, and I was in frickin’ Iceland with my love! And we found this rock that looks like a troll by the ocean! How could I not be happy? I mean, seriously.
In conclusion, the ultimate formula for an ultimately happy Firda is this:
(Travel + Sea + Husband) = Happy Firda
Everything else is optional.
Happy International Day of Happiness, everyone!