If you know me, you’ll know that when I like a song a lot, I’ll play it over and over again for days, much to my husband’s dismay. There are two songs I really, really like at the moment. They’re from the same singer/songwriter and happily, the two songs are placed next to each other…… Continue reading Music To My Ears
Category: Life
Firda Beka, Tree Photographer
Hi, my name is Firda, I’m in my late 30s and I still don’t know what I want to be when I grow up. I’m jealous of people younger than me who seem to have everything figured out. Great careers. Jobs that pay well. Making money doing things they love. Actually, I’m not really jealous…… Continue reading Firda Beka, Tree Photographer
Inch by inch, row by row…
Spring is here again and so began the second year of my backyard garden. The lawn is still infested with weeds because, really, no matter how hard we try, there is no way we could beat the frickin’ weeds. But eh, if you can’t beat ’em, you embrace ’em, and that’s what we’re doing. We…… Continue reading Inch by inch, row by row…
My Mother’s Daughter
My mother always enjoyed spending time with me, but I think, if she was alive, she would enjoy it even more now because we’d have more shared interests than we ever had before she passed away: Gardening. My mother was an avid gardener. No plants could die under her supervision. I could never be as…… Continue reading My Mother’s Daughter
10th Blogiversary!
10 years ago today, I posted my first blog post under the Weblog Wannabe moniker. We at Casa Troy and Firda are celebrating this 10th blogiversary by, uh, not doing much. I’m also feeling a little depressed because yesterday during an eye exam with an optometrist I was diagnosed with glaucoma. I don’t have tunnel…… Continue reading 10th Blogiversary!
Hey, What’s Up?
Wow, it’s been awhile since I posted an update here! But if you’ve been following me on Twitter, you’ll know that I’ve been blogging somewhere else. I fell in love with Tumblr. It reminds me of the good, old days of blogging where it’s all about sharing cool stuff on the web. I really wish…… Continue reading Hey, What’s Up?
Twenty Ten
It’s a new year! Woot woot! And the decade with the lowest low and and the highest high I ever had had come to an end. And it ended with one of the worst months ever. Basically any month where I don’t get to spend much time with the dearest, darling husband, sprain an ankle…… Continue reading Twenty Ten
To Be Unholy
My dad is selling our house, the house in which I grew up in Indonesia. The house of pain as I like to think of it. I swear if you were there, you’d be able to feel unhappiness emanating from every corner. I haven’t been in that house in over 5 years and yet I…… Continue reading To Be Unholy
For Goodness’ Sake
I have issues with religion. I really do. It’s never been my thing, mostly because I hate being told what to do and I like to think for myself. I know religion works for some people and all I can say is more power to them. But I’m not going to go into the heavy…… Continue reading For Goodness’ Sake
Sure Sign of Twitter Overdose
The thing about online presence and social networking is this: sometimes you get to read too much about someone. Their whereabouts, the music they’re listening, the food they are eating, are posted there on Twitter, and we really couldn’t care less about it. Yet when they’re absent and we haven’t seen any status updates for…… Continue reading Sure Sign of Twitter Overdose