Time Machine

I got a roll of film developed today. I started shooting this roll two years ago and I had been carrying the camera to so many places that when I got the negatives, I had no idea where most of the shots were taken. Now that I’ve scanned a few frames, I know that some…… Continue reading Time Machine

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5 Good Things Friday

It’s a long weekend (again)! Getting excited about the darkroom process again, or rather, alternative darkroom process, and I’m talking about wet darkroom, not digital. Anticipating the arrival of several rolls of old, b&w, 35mm film in the mail from the Old Film Project on Flickr. Having spent more time with my dear husband this…… Continue reading 5 Good Things Friday

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I Love You Tomorrow

Initially, I was just going to use tea and washing soda to develop this roll of film I finished shooting in April. But then we went ahead and bought some instant coffee and effervescent vitamin C tablets this evening so I guess I’m going to have to do the whole shebang. I’m scared. It’s supposed…… Continue reading I Love You Tomorrow

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Something to Write About

Another day, another late post. If I’d written something earlier, the post would probably end up being an angsty one since I woke up feeling angry for some reasons even though I didn’t have a nightmare last night. At least I don’t think I did. Right now I’m just too tired to be angry. Heh.…… Continue reading Something to Write About

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Hello Again!

I was only planning to take a week off of blogging but then one week turned into two weeks and two weeks turned into one month. Oopsie! The plan is to start blogging five days a week again today. Of course I had to wait until shortly before bedtime to write something because, as you…… Continue reading Hello Again!

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5 Good Things Friday

Long weekend! Finally receiving a book ordered from Amazon over half a year ago in the mail. The two cute, $5 dollar t-shirts Troy bought me today. One has robots on it and the other female comic book characters. Our backyard garden is filling in, slowly but surely. The upcoming vacation. We’re going up north…… Continue reading 5 Good Things Friday

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Crazy Is As Crazy Does

I really like plants. I love planting them in the ground and watch them grow. When I’m out of plants to plant, I feel sad. It’s like I’ve lost a life purpose, which is to bring new lives into the garden. Today was the first day of my having no plants to put in the…… Continue reading Crazy Is As Crazy Does

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Lists and Other Silliness

What story should I tell you today? I don’t know. Um, I made pancakes for lunch today. Cheese pancakes. They were really good pancakes. Best I’ve ever made, even. But I couldn’t really taste the cheese. I think the syrup I put on them might have overpowered the cheese. It wasn’t even real maple syrup.…… Continue reading Lists and Other Silliness

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Sleep, Oh Glorious Sleep!

I didn’t sleep well last night. Probably because I had some pretty strong cups of tea at supper and a big bowl of coffee ice cream a couple of hours before bed. Now I’m not sure if there’s caffeine in the coffee ice cream. Somehow I doubt there is. And I drank the tea like…… Continue reading Sleep, Oh Glorious Sleep!

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Watermilfoil, Weevil, Waterloo

The other night I watched the news on TV and heard about the battle against Eurasian watermilfoil that’s been going on in Puslinch Lake. Anyway, between 2006 and 2008, they released thousands of milfoil-eating weevils into the lake and apparently the weevils have been doing their job and the milfoil in the lake has dramatically…… Continue reading Watermilfoil, Weevil, Waterloo

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