We got our H1N1 flu jab on Friday. We came in half an hour before the clinic started but the queue was already twice the length of the hall, and it was a pretty big hall. Fortunately, there were about 6 or 8 arm-jabbing stations (for lack of better terms) so the line was moving…… Continue reading Ouchie
Category: Life
Blogging Under Pressure
I didn’t get the cold. As usual, an Advil, a Strepsil and a good night’s sleep fixed it. I’m really thankful for my immune system. I’ve been browsing property listings obsessively. The last time I did that, we ended up buying a house in another town. Not sure if it’ll come to anything this time…… Continue reading Blogging Under Pressure
Yesterday, it was a beautiful, sunny, t-shirt kind of day. Today, it’s back to the grey, one-digit-temperature kind of day. I guess the change is a bit too much for my body because I’m not feeling too great right now. I hope this won’t turn into a full-blown cold. We went thrifting yesterday and I…… Continue reading Weathered
Pictures that I really, really like are usually ones that nobody else really care about. The picture above is one of them. Pictures I don’t really like, on the other hand, seem to be well-liked on Flickr. It’s weird. Maybe if I only posted pictures I don’t really like to my Flickr account, I’d become…… Continue reading Uninterestingness
Expired Memories
I shoot expired/out-of-date film exclusively because I wouldn’t be able to afford film photography otherwise. I like to check the expiration date on the film packaging and try to recall memories from that year. Today I shot and developed a roll of film that expired in 1992. So, 1992. I was entering my second year…… Continue reading Expired Memories
Good Grief
We buried Grandma D today. I hope those closest to her are there for each other. I’m sure they are. When my mother died, I had no one to console me. I grieved alone. Maybe that’s the reason that even now, 6 years later, I’m still mourning her death.
Long Day
It’s been a long day. Spent most of my time today at a funeral home for Troy’s grandma’s visitation, during which we got news that Troy’s aunt’s brother. who had been living in the same nursing home as Troy’s grandma, just passed away. “Someone is always dying here,” said grandma once when we went to…… Continue reading Long Day
Somewhere Out There
You know what? I think we’re really spoiled living where we are. We have a beautiful downtown area, awesome Shakespeare Festival (and no, they don’t perform Shakespeare’s plays only), a grocery store across the street, free access to a heated, indoor swimming pool… When we finally move out of this town (not sure when it…… Continue reading Somewhere Out There
Nothing Too Exciting
Not being a conventional picture-taker, I feel like a big weirdo when I’m out and about shooting with some film cameras that look nothing like modern-time digital cameras. I said “like a big weirdo” because I already feel like a weirdo just by being me. That’s why I rarely go out to shoot alone. I…… Continue reading Nothing Too Exciting
Tired, Sleepy, and Can’t Think
Since it’s late and I’m sleepy, I’ll just leave you with one of my favourite photos, taken on a roll of film that expired in 1977 and developed with coffee and washing soda. Goodnight!